
Scam Alert - IMB phone impersonation scam

August 29, 2024

Be alert to scammers that contact you unexpectedly, claiming to be from IMB, wanting to help you with a fraud on your IMB card or account.

Some potential red flags to be on watch for:

  • Caller claims to be from IMB Security or IMB Fraud
  • Caller claims fraudulent transaction have occurred in WA (or somewhere that is not proximate to your location)
  • Caller may have some of your card and/or member and account information but asks for you to confirm the information or provide extra information such as card CVV or last 4 card digits
  • Caller asks for your member number and/or Internet Banking password
  • Caller asks you to provide them the code you receive from IMB by SMS – even where the SMS from IMB says DO NOT SHARE THIS CODE.

NEVER give possession of your card, or share your PIN, your internet banking password, or secure codes sent to you by SMS that direct you not to share the code – including someone claiming to be from IMB.

If you think you may have been targeted by a scammer, hang up and please call IMB back directly on 133 462 or visit your local branch to confirm if it's a legitimate request.

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