Working together we can better protect you from becoming a victim.
Be alert to scammers that contact you unexpectedly, claiming to be from IMB, wanting to help you with a fraud on your IMB card or account.
We want to work together and help prevent you from becoming a victim of a scam. Have a look at the following information:
How to stay secure
URL shortening allows long website addresses to be displayed in a shortened form, allowing for more concise and professional looking communications with members.
If you think you have been defrauded or scammed, please contact us as soon as possible on 133 462.
From time to time, IMB may communicate to you via email. Follow these steps to ensure you remain safe and secure.
Explore strategies to safeguard yourself from online fraud in this informative article.
Discover how IMB established a fortress of digital security, ensuring a protected online environment for users in this insightful article.
Click here to download IMBs full security brochure
Types of Fraud and Scams
Phishing is when fraudsters trick you into providing personal information such as your passwords or account details, enabling them to gain access to your funds.
With online shopping offering so much convenience to the public, it’s also created an ideal channel for scammers to deceive and rip off online shoppers.
Investment scams lurk as deceptive pitfalls putting your financial wellbeing at risk.