The Board is delighted that it will once again be able to meet with Members in person and looks forward to holding a physical meeting for the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The AGM will be held as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Time:10:30am (AEDT)
Venue:Novotel Northbeach Hotel, 2-14 Cliff Road, North Wollongong NSW
Members that have elected to receive electronic communications from IMB will receive an email from IMB via our meeting administrator, Link Market Services which will provide members with access to vote and ask questions online at
Having regard to the preferences expressed by IMB’s members following our previous meetings, the Board is pleased to offer a live broadcast for members so that they can watch the AGM as it is occurring.
The items of business at the 2022 include the receipt of the 2021-2022 financial report of IMB, the re-election of directors and a special resolution to amend IMB’s Constitution to align with prudential standards.
The updates to the Constitution could be regarded to be a ‘variation of rights’ of Members because they change the terms applicable to preference shares (although there are none on issue). Any Members whose rights are varied by the proposed amendment must therefore also vote to approve that change as a separate class. This process is required even where the variation of rights results in a more favourable outcome, which is the effect of the proposed amendments for IMB’s Depositor Members and ordinary Shareholder Members. For this reason, a Shareholder Member class meeting and a Depositor Member class meeting are also being convened so that ordinary Shareholders and Depositors may vote on the amendment of IMB’s Constitution in those class meetings.
For a copy of all the information relating to the meetings please visit our dedicated AGM page at
Here you will find:
A Member entitled to attend and vote at the IMB AGM, class meeting of Shareholders and class meeting of Depositors, is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in their place, and that proxy need not be a Member of IMB.