Help Centre

I am enabled as a Secondary User so why can’t I share CDR data on the account?

If you are enabled as a Secondary User to share CDR data about an account, but that account is not showing as available when you attempt to provide a new consent or make a CDR data request, it is likely that one of the following eligibility criteria is not being met:

The account holder/s of the relevant account must be eligible to share data:

  • Be 18 years or over
  • Have IMB Internet Banking access
  • Have provided IMB with their mobile number (required to support authentication using a One-Time Password)
  • The account itself must be eligible for CDR data sharing
  • In the case of a joint account, all accountholders must have agreed to enable it for CDR data sharing.

You as the Secondary User must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be 18 years or over
  • Have IMB Internet Banking access
  • Have provided IMB with your mobile number (required to support authentication using a One-Time Password)
  • Enabled by the account holder to share CDR data via IMB’s Internet Banking as either a ATO or POA within the meaning of IMB Bank’s PDS and IB T&Cs documents.

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