IMB Ltd Off-Market Share Buyback 2015 Deemed Market Value

March 18, 2015

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IMB Ltd advises that the Deemed Market Value for the Off-Market Buyback of IMB Shares is $5.35. The final Buyback Price will be determined by applying the Buyback Discount of between 0% and 14% (at increments of 2%) to the Deemed Market Value. On this basis, the tender discounts are equivalent to the following tender prices (rounded to the nearest cent):

Tender Discount

Tender Price

















The Deemed Market Value has been calculated as the volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) of IMB Shares traded on the IMB Market over the 10 days on which Shares traded prior to the announcement of the Buyback on 28 January 2015 adjusted for the movement in the S&P/ASX 200 index from the date of the announcement of the Buyback to the Closing Date, being today. The VWAP was $5.08 and the S&P/ASX 200 index has increased by 5.4% from 5,544.3 on 28 January 2015 to 5,842.3 on 18 March 2015.

The results of the Buyback, including the actual Buyback Price and any scale back are expected to be announced on Thursday 26 March 2015.

Further Information

Further information about the Buyback can be found on IMB’s website or in the Buyback Booklet which was mailed to shareholders. Shareholders may also call the IMB Buyback information line on 1300 585 271 from within Australia or 61 2 4298 0190 from outside Australia between 9:00am and 5:00 Monday to Friday (Sydney time).

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