IMB Bank held its Annual General Meeting today 23 October 2019. Click here for the Chairman’s Address and CEO’s Address.
Shareholders are encouraged to read the addresses, which contain information in relation to IMB’s annual financial results and strategic initiatives being implemented by IMB.
At today’s meeting, members approved the re-appointment of Mr Noel Harold Cornish, Ms Gai Marie McGrath and Ms Catherine Ann Aston as Directors of IMB with immediate effect.
Members also approved that the maximum aggregate remuneration payable to non-executive directors, as envisaged in Article 13.23 of the Constitution of IMB, be and is hereby increased from $760,000 per annum inclusive of superannuation to $960,000 per annum inclusive of superannuation, until next determined in general meeting by Members, to be divided among the directors in such proportions and manner as they agree.